CSI Training and Resource Center
What is QA?
Quality assurance (QA) is a process for ensuring that intervention services are being delivered with fidelity, thus maximizing the recidivism reductions. QA is also a way to support staff and their skill development.
Practice Makes Perfect
“I believe like any profession the more you practice and train, the stronger you will become. Professional athletes train on a daily basis to stay in the best possible shape. We should use this theory in every profession. The more we train and learn, the better we will be at our jobs.”
– CSI QA Coach and Trainer
QA Coaching
Benefits of QA Coaching include:
- Ensures EBP model fidelity
- Supports staff in their skill growth
- Gives feedback to agencies on process improvement
Train Anywhere
CSI provides remote QA training across the country.
We can send trainers to your agency or location for added ease and convenience.
Helping Agencies Improve Outcomes
Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) Training and Resource Center (TRC) has been providing evidence-based training, consultation and Quality Assurance (QA) to federal, state and private agencies since 2004.
Looking to lower recidivism rates in your state or county? CSI TRC has services available which help:
- Lower staff turnover rate
- Increase employee morale (through feedback)
- Enable time efficiency with clients
- Establish collaboration with clients
- Staff create a greater impact
The CSI TRC provides four service categories. Agencies can choose from:

Training System Evaluation & Recommendations
For agencies that desire changes in program services, but haven’t figured out exactly what the changes need to be, the CSI Training and Resource Center (TRC) is here to assist. Our training department can identify system service gaps and help develop a strategic training plan for system improvements.
CSI will analyze your agency’s training protocols, policies, and curricula and prepare a written plan to help you design your model program. CSI will make recommendations for trainings and/or Quality Assurance (QA) tools to create an ongoing and cost effective program including policies and standards to ensure fidelity and excellent client interaction.

Train all Staff in EBPs and Interventions
CSI TRC staff have trained thousands of individuals in Motivational Interviewing, strategic case management, female responsive strategies, and many other evidence-based models that support a gold standard program.
CSI is well versed in the latest criminal justice, juvenile justice, and child welfare system trends and agency needs. CSI is constantly evolving and our training department strives to provide agencies with a variety of innovative and high quality programs, through training in proven evidence-based practices (EBP) and interventions.
To view our complete list of all trainings CSI offers, click here.

QA Coaching, Certification, and Training
CSI is adept in establishing comprehensive plans to create ongoing training and Quality Assurance (QA) for staff once agencies have chosen curriculum(s) or specific trainings. Plan choices can include remote QA done by our seasoned QA staff or agencies may choose to obtain training and certification of QA Coaches internally to create an agency cadre of QA staff.
We will train your staff to listen and code sessions while ensuring fidelity to the curricula and help you create an inter-rater system among the coaches.
To view our complete list of all trainings CSI offers, click here.

Consulting / Data
We will help you create a plan to seamlessly and systematically collect data on an ongoing basis and how to use data to guarantee a higher standard of client interaction.
CSI TRC will not only provide your agency with the data collected, but will also create reports, enabling your agency to see trends and identify necessary changes for training, supervision, or policy across a program to support that standard.
CSI TRC will help your staff make a difference and will work with any agency to develop the right training program for you. Agencies/locations can choose all or a selection of the services CSI provides.
We have trained thousands of individuals across the country including staff members from community programs, parole, probation, and corrections.
CSI Trainings and Projects Offered
The CSI Training Center provides trainings that prepare agencies to provide services at all levels of best practices.
- Reasoning and Rehabilitation – QA and Training
- Reasoning and Rehabilitation for Women – QA and Training
- Reasoning and Rehabilitation for Male Youth 12-16 – QA and Training
- TAD (Addiction Treatment Group) – QA and Training
- Moving On – QA and Training
- Aggression Replacement Therapy – QA and Training
- Youth Cannabis Group MET/CBT – QA and Training
- Strategic Case Management – QA and Training
- Seeking Safety – QA and Training
- Strength Based Work with Clients – Training
- Group Facilitation – QA and Training
- Intro to Domestic Violence – Training
- Female Responsive Culture and Strategies – Training and Program Development
- Trauma 101 - Training
- Trauma Informed Professional Staff – Training
- Trauma Informed Professional Supervisors – Training
- Coaching For Supervisors – Training
- QA Coaching Certification for Supervisors/Chiefs – QA and Training
- Leadership- MBTI – Training
- LSI and LS RNR – QA
- Motivational Interviewing – QA and Training
- MI/CBT Group Facilitators: Roleplays to Homework – Training
- Vicarious Trauma – Training
- Employment – QA and Training
- Cultural Diversity
- CPR/Narcan
- PREA Training
- Ethics/Boundaries
- Incident Report Writing
- Creating an EBP Environment