Our Name is Our Mission

Youth Services: Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT)

An Intervention with Proven Success

MDFT is an evidence-based, cost-effective way of providing families struggling with adolescent drug abuse and delinquency issues with treatment and intervention. The model uses a three-stage approach to treatment, supporting the adolescent, parents, family, and community to create positive outcomes. MDFT works in a collaborative manner within each of these facets of teenage delinquency and substance abuse to promote change and pro-social behavior. The process takes place over three to six months, with sessions taking place one to several times per week.

The model has demonstrated significant outcomes in reducing adolescent substance abuse.
MDFT clients have demonstrated increases in school attendance and grades, and significant improvements in conduct-related grades, weighted against a comparison treatment. Delinquent behavior and association with delinquent peers has been reduced and maintained at a one-year follow up. These effects are a credit to the approachable, multidimensional, stage-oriented format of the model.

To learn more about MDFT click here.