Praise from Danbury AIC Client and Litchfield Court Judge
Last month, in the course of a court proceeding involving a Danbury Alternative in the Community (DAIC) client, the staff at CSI’s DAIC were recognized through a written thank-you note from Judge Danaher of Superior Court, Judicial District of Litchfield, due to praise received from a CSI client who acknowledged and expressed deep gratitude to CSI’s DAIC program and their staff for helping “build progress in my life.”
Additionally, Judge Danaher made an extra effort by sending CSI’s DAIC the transcript of the proceeding where CSI, the DAIC and their staff were sincerely applauded by both the DAIC client and Judge Danaher. His formal letter thanked staff for their utmost hard work and professional care and commended how well many of the people perform after coming through CSI’s DAIC.
CSI operates five day reporting centers, named Alternative in the Community or AIC, which accepts clients as part of a diversionary program. AIC programs provide services to individuals on Pre-Trial, Probation, Post Release Community Supervision and Mandatory Supervision, funded by the Connecticut Judicial Department’s Court Support Services Division (JBCSSD). The programs also provide services to probation and parole pre-violators as well as to offenders who are sentenced as an alternative to incarceration. CSI has operated these programs for over 23 years.
CSI is extremely appreciative of the praise received and takes pride in the successes of our clients, programs, and in the communities we live and serve in.