About Community Solutions, Inc.
“We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.”

Our consummate goal is to better the lives of those we serve and the communities in which they live, and that makes all the difference. When we say "Our name is our mission," we mean it, and it is reflected in the dedication of our staff and the quality of our programs.
Celebrating Over 50 Years of Commitment
Our Mission
The mission of Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) is to promote the independence, responsible citizenship, and well-being of individuals and families involved, or at risk of involvement, in the child welfare, juvenile justice, or criminal justice systems.
Who We Are
Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) is a nonprofit organization that promotes self-reliance, responsibility and accountability for at-risk and disadvantaged youth and adults. Since 1962, CSI has delivered supervision, treatment, and comprehensive, individualized services to help clients interact more effectively in their communities and become productive citizens.
CSI offers a portfolio of services to thousands of youth and adults referred through contracts with federal, state, and local juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, as well as social service agencies. CSI staff members work with adults, youth, families, and communities throughout the country, achieving excellent outcomes and consistently receiving high marks from outside evaluators.