Our Name is Our Mission

Adult and Youth Services Outcomes

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Measuring Our Impact

At Community Solutions, Inc. (CSI) we understand the importance of measuring outcomes and realize that the strongest evidence of effective services is to demonstrate positive impacts on the individuals and communities we serve.

Adult Services: Outcomes Fiscal Year 2016

Examples of positive results within our adult services division include:

  • More than 6,000 clients were served.
  • The number of community service hours completed was 13,939. Calculated at minimum wage, our clients provided $133,814 worth of labor to nonprofit agencies and municipalities.
  • Connecticut residential clients paid $24,963 to the Connecticut Victim Compensation Board.
  • CSI’s Adult Residential programs achieved a total successful completion rate of 81%.
  • CSI's Alternative in the Community (AIC) programs, funded by the Judicial Branch Connecticut Court Support Services Division, and CSI’s California Day Reporting Centers (DRC), funded by Santa Barbara County’s Sheriff’s Department achieved a combined 83% successful completion rate.
  • 83% of clients from CSI’s California DRCs obtained full-time employment or enrolled in school at the time of discharge.
  • CSI expanded into Ventura County as part of Restorative Justice Practices funding provide Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Seeking Safety to the AB109 population.
  • CSI partnered with Santa Barbara County Workforce Resource Center and was included in a multi-agency collaboration to create a specifically designed program to help those recently released from the prison system get back on their feet by rebooting their lives. The program is nationally recognized and was specially celebrated at the White House. Learn more from the Santa Maria Times.

MST Outcomes

The following is a sampling of the performance of CSI's MST programs. The data below provides the overall averages of our MST teams from 4/1/2016 to 3/31/2017.

Percent of youth with no new arrests during treatment 86.93%
Percent of youth living at home 85.28%
Percent of youth in school/working 82.23%
Percent of cases completing treatment 81.47%
Average length of stay in days for youth receiving MST 120.18

CSI’s MST teams consistently achieve a model adherence score above the target set for the MST model.